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阿児つばさ「day scenario」

©︎Tsubasa Ako, Photo by Haruka Oka, Courtesy of FINCH ARTS

阿児つばさ「day scenario」

会期:2023年 12月1日(金)- 12月17日(日)





予約優先 / 料金500円 / グループでの申込可(8,9,10日は予約不要、無料)







a? Fê G pop (=)

会場にはわたし(作者の阿児つばさ)とFINCH ARTS代表の櫻岡聡がいます。







阿児つばさ|Tsubasa Ako

1991年北海道生まれ、兵庫県出身。タイトルと共に日々を過ごし、インスタレーションやパフォーマンス作品の他、「シナリオ」を表現手法とした作品を制作している。「SEASON 2」(はならぁと こあー宇陀松山ー、奈良、2023)、「scenario」(FINCH ARTS、京都、2023)、「音威子府ツアー」(札幌国際芸術祭、北海道、2017)、「花路里と花路里/ PEGASUS / ど こ や こ こ」(3331 Arts Chiyoda、東京、2016)などで作品を発表する。2014年京都精華大学デザイン学部卒業。2022年9月から2023年6月までフランス政府とヴァルドワーズ県の奨学生としてパリ・セルジー国立芸術大学に在籍。

Tsubasa Ako Solo Exhibition

“day scenario”

Schedule: 1-17 December 2023 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday during the exhibition)

Time: 13.00-19.00 hrs.


Reservation priority / Fee 500 yen / Group applications possible (no reservation required on 8, 9 and 10, free of charge).

Each 20~40 mins (start times: 13:00/14:00/15:00/16:00/17:00/18:00).

Languages: Japanese, simple English, written communication

Reservation Request Website

*No reservation is required and admission is free on December 8, 9, and 10 as it will be an exhibition only.


a? Fê G pop (=)

The venue has me (Tsubasa Ako, artist) and Satoshi Sakuraoka, director of FINCH ARTS.

There are gallery facilities, comfortable chairs and drawings. I will arrange flowers and offer you a cup of fragrant tea, if you like.

Please let us do artworks about “equal”.

It starts with me and you talking about “equal” as artworks.


Tsubasa Ako has been exploring the physical expression of 'being on stage as an amateur' and 'the existence between performer and audience' in collaborative performance works. In her individual work, she gives tours of her installations to individual viewers as "a kind of commentary on the work", and also participatory performances "to share the scenery" with the people gathered that day. This approach is sometimes carefully attuned to the audience and sometimes makes them lose the object itself. How will your days be made with such a relationship between the artist and the audience and the artworks? We hope that this exhibition will be an opportunity to convey the artist's concept of dealing with various media and materials through installations and performance works, and creating the method of expression itself, through experience and practice.


Tsubasa Ako

Born 1991 in Hyogo, Japan, Ako spends days with the title, creating installations and performance works along with 'scenarios' as a method of expression.

In 2014, graduated from the Faculty of Design, Kyoto Seika University ; From September 2022 to June 2023, the French Government and the Val d'Oise prefecture awarded a scholarship to study at the National University of Arts, Paris-Cergy, France.

Performance at Kyoto Art Centre (2019), Touring work at Sapporo International Art Festival (2017), Solo exhibition at 3331 Arts Chiyoda (2016).etc.


a? (preparation) / installation /mixed media /2021 /Photo by Yuki Moriya

a? / installation / mixed media / 2022 / photo by Yuya Miki

Day scenario 花路里kwa ro ri / performance / 2016 / photo by Chris Rudz


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